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Selasa, 18 November 2014

Information Technology

Information technology

Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprise.
The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also encompasses other informationdistribution technologies such as television and telephones. Several industries are associated with information technology, including computer hardwaresoftwareelectronicssemiconductorsinternettelecom equipmente-commerce and computer services.
Humans have been storing, retrieving, manipulating and communicating information since the Sumerians in Mesopotamiadeveloped writing in about 3000 BC, but the term information technology in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review; authors Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas L. Whisler commented that "the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology (IT)." Their definition consists of three categories: techniques for processing, the application of statistical and mathematical methods to decision-making, and the simulation of higher-order thinking through computer programs.
Based on the storage and processing technologies employed, it is possible to distinguish four distinct phases of IT development: pre-mechanical (3000 BC – 1450 AD), mechanical (1450–1840), electromechanical (1840–1940) and electronic (1940–present).[5] This article focuses on the most recent period (electronic), which began in about 1940.

History of computer technology

Devices have been used to aid computation for thousands of years, probably initially in the form of a tally stick. The Antikythera mechanism, dating from about the beginning of the first century BC, is generally considered to be the earliest known mechanical analog computer, and the earliest known geared mechanism. Comparable geared devices did not emerge in Europe until the 16th century, and it was not until 1645 that the first mechanical calculator capable of performing the four basic arithmetical operations was developed.
Electronic computers, using either relays or valves, began to appear in the early 1940s. The electromechanical Zuse Z3, completed in 1941, was the world's firstprogrammable computer, and by modern standards one of the first machines that could be considered a complete computing machine. Colossus, developed during the Second World War to decrypt German messages was the first electronic digital computer. Although it was programmable, it was not general-purpose, being designed to perform only a single task. It also lacked the ability to store its program in memory; programming was carried out using plugs and switches to alter the internal wiring. The first recognisably modern electronic digital stored-program computer was the Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), which ran its first program on 21 June 1948.
The development of transistors in the late 1940s at Bell Laboratories allowed a new generation of computers to be designed with greatly reduced power consumption. The first commercially available stored-program computer, the Ferranti Mark I, contained 4050 valves and had a power consumption of 25 kilowatts. By comparison the first transistorised computer, developed at the University of Manchester and operational by November 1953, consumed only 150 watts in its final version.

Data storage

Early electronic computers such as Colossus made use of punched tape, a long strip of paper on which data was represented by a series of holes, a technology now obsolete. Electronic data storage, which is used in modern computers, dates from the Second World War, when a form of delay line memory was developed to remove the clutter from radar signals, the first practical application of which was the mercury delay line. The first random-access digital storage device was the Williams tube, based on a standard cathode ray tube, but the information stored in it and delay line memory was volatile in that it had to be continuously refreshed, and thus was lost once power was removed. The earliest form of non-volatile computer storage was the magnetic drum, invented in 1932 and used in the Ferranti Mark 1, the world's first commercially available general-purpose electronic computer.
IBM introduced the first hard disk drive in 1956, as a component of their 305 RAMAC computer system. Most digital data today is still stored magnetically on hard disks, or optically on media such as CD-ROMs. Until 2002 most information was stored on analog devices, but that year digital storage capacity exceeded analog for the first time. As of 2007 almost 94% of the data stored worldwide was held digitally: 52% on hard disks, 28% on optical devices and 11% on digital magnetic tape. It has been estimated that the worldwide capacity to store information on electronic devices grew from less than 3 exabytes in 1986 to 295 exabytes in 2007, doubling roughly every 3 years.

Database management systems emerged in the 1960s to address the problem of storing and retrieving large amounts of data accurately and quickly. One of the earliest such systems was IBM's Information Management System (IMS), which is still widely deployed more than 40 years later. IMS stores data hierarchically, but in the 1970s Ted Codd proposed an alternative relational storage model based on set theory and predicate logic and the familiar concepts of tables, rows and columns. The first commercially available relational database management system (RDBMS) was available from Oracle in 1980.
All database management systems consist of a number of components that together allow the data they store to be accessed simultaneously by many users while maintaining its integrity. A characteristic of all databases is that the structure of the data they contain is defined and stored separately from the data itself, in a database schema.
The extensible markup language (XML) has become a popular format for data representation in recent years. Although XML data can be stored in normal file systems, it is commonly held in relational databases to take advantage of their "robust implementation verified by years of both theoretical and practical effort". As an evolution of theStandard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), XML's text-based structure offers the advantage of being both machine and human-readable.

Data retrieval

The relational database model introduced a programming-language independent Structured Query Language (SQL), based on relational algebra.
The terms "data" and "information" are not synonymous. Anything stored is data, but it only becomes information when it is organized and presented meaningfully. Most of the world's digital data is unstructured, and stored in a variety of different physical formats even within a single organization. Data warehouses began to be developed in the 1980s to integrate these disparate stores. They typically contain data extracted from various sources, including external sources such as the Internet, organised in such a way as to facilitate decision support systems (DSS).

Data transmission

Data transmission has three aspects: transmission, propagation, and reception. It can be broadly categorized as broadcasting, in which information is transmitted unidirectionally downstream, or telecommunications, with bidirectional upstream and downstream channels.
XML has been increasingly employed as a means of data interchange since the early 2000s, particularly for machine-oriented interactions such as those involved in web-oriented protocols such as SOAP, describing "data-in-transit rather than ... data-at-rest". One of the challenges of such usage is converting data from relational databases into XML Document Object Model (DOM) structures.

Data manipulation

Hilbert and Lopez identify the exponential pace of technological change (a kind of Moore's law): machines' application-specific capacity to compute information per capita roughly doubled every 14 months between 1986 and 2007; the per capita capacity of the world's general-purpose computers doubled every 18 months during the same two decades; the global telecommunication capacity per capita doubled every 34 months; the world's storage capacity per capita required roughly 40 months to double (every 3 years); and per capita broadcast information has doubled every 12.3 years.
Massive amounts of data are stored worldwide every day, but unless it can be analysed and presented effectively it essentially resides in what have been called data tombs: "data archives that are seldom visited". To address that issue, the field of data mining – "the process of discovering interesting patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data" – emerged in the late 1980s.

Academic perspective

In an academic context, the Association for Computing Machinery defines IT as "undergraduate degree programs that prepare students to meet the computer technology needs of business, government, healthcare, schools, and other kinds of organizations .... IT specialists assume responsibility for selecting hardware and software products appropriate for an organization, integrating those products with organizational needs and infrastructure, and installing, customizing, and maintaining those applications for the organization’s computer users."

Commercial and employment perspective

In a business context, the Information Technology Association of America has defined information technology as "the study, design, development, application, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems". The responsibilities of those working in the field include network administration, software development and installation, and the planning and management of an organization's technology life cycle, by which hardware and software are maintained, upgraded and replaced.
The business value of information technology lies in the automation of business processes, provision of information for decision making, connecting businesses with their customers, and the provision of productivity tools to increase efficiency.

Worldwide IT spending forecast (billions of U.S. dollars)
Category2014 spending2015 spending
Data center systems140144
Enterprise software321344
IT services9671,007
Telecom services1,6351,668

Ethical perspective

The field of information ethics was established by mathematician Norbert Wiener in the 1940s. Some of the ethical issues associated with the use of information technology include:
  • Breaches of copyright by those downloading files stored without the permission of the copyright holders
  • Employers monitoring their employees' emails and other Internet usage
  • Unsolicited emails
  • Hackers accessing online databases
  • Web sites installing cookies or spyware to monitor a user's online activities

See also

Senin, 10 November 2014

10 Teknologi Komputer Tercanggih di Dunia Saat Ini

10 Teknologi Komputer Tercanggih di Dunia Saat Ini

Perkembangan teknologi saat ini memang menjadi berita yang menarik untuk di ikuti. Bagi anda pengguna komputer tentu tidak ingin melewatkan yang namanya komputer tercanggih dan tercepat saat ini, nah pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memberikan informasi tentang 10 komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini.

Bagi kebanyakan orang memiliki spesifikasi komputer yang sangat besar dan mempunyai kecepatan yang cepat memang menjadi dambaan. Disisi lain komputer juga mendukung sebuah bisnis yang mana perusahaan besar kelas dunia juga saling bersaing untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Banyak komputer bermunculan dengan spesifikasi dan merek yang berbeda-beda, berikut merupakan 10 teknologi  komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini. 

1. Komputer Kuantum
Komputer ini merupakan Super computer yang menggunakan prinsip “fisika Kuantum”. Kabarnya komputer ini akan di install di fasilitas Badan Antariksa Amerika Serikat ( NASA ) dan akan di gunakan bersama Google NASA dan para ilmuan.
Menggunakan Processor D-Wave Two yang memperlihatkan pemanfaatan efek yang di sebut dengan Terowongan Kuantum. Membuat super Komputer ini dapat memecahkan beberapa jenis masalah matematika hanya sepersekian detik.
Komputer kuantum tidak menggunakan Bits tetapi GuBits(Quantum Bits) Akses kecepatan dari super komputer ini 3.600 kali lebih cepat dari komputer konvesional.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
komputer-kuantum-nasa-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
2. Sequioa
Sequioa di kabarkan menjadi super computer tercepat setelah mengukir kecepatan processing 16,32 petaflop/s.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
Sequioa-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
3. K Komputer
Sebelumnya K Komputer menjadi super komputer tercepat sebelum adanya Sequoia. K kompter merupakan perangkat yang bersal dari Negara jepang yang di kembangkan oleh merek perusahaan teknologi Fujitsu yang tempatnya di REKEN Advanced Institute For Computational Science, Kobe Jepang.
Komputer ini memiliki kecepatan 8,162 petaflops atau 8,162 kalkulasi quadrilion per detik dengan rasio efisiensi komputer sebesar 93 persen.
Komputer ini menggunakan prosesor SPARC64 VIIIfx 2.0GHz 8-core sebanyak 68.544 unit yang ditempatkan di 672 lemari. Masing-masing lemari memiliki 96 titik komputasi dengan 6 tambahan titik IO. Masing-masing titik komputasi ini dilengkapi memori sebesar 16 GB. Bila masing-masing titik dilengkapi 8 inti proseseor, jumlah prosesornya keseluruhan adalah 548.352 inti.
Untuk mengoperasikan K computer di butuhkan daya listrik sebesar 9,89 MegaWatt dengan rata-rata 4,3MegaWatt.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
K-Komputer-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
4. Tianhe 1A
Super komputer ini memiliki kecepatan dua ribu triliun kalkulasi perdetik dan dapat mencatat kecepatan kalkulasi 2,6 petaflop/s. Tianhe 1 A merupakan produksi dari China yang di bangun dengan biaya 88 juta Dollar Amerika dan terletak di Pusat Super Komputer Nasional di Tianjin China. Super komputer ini tercepat di dunia sebelum dikalahkan oleh K Computer dari Jepang pada Juni 2011.
Tianghe-I dilengkapi 14.336 unit prosesor Xeon X5670 dan 7.168 Nvidia Tesla M2050 pemroses grafis. Sistem komputer ini tersusun dari 112 lemari komputer, 12 lemari penyimpanan, 6 lemari komunikasi, dan 8 lemari I/O. Setiap lemari komputer terdiri dari 4 frame yang masing-masing memiliki 8 kipas dan 16 port papan pengalih. Adapun total penyimpanan sistem Tianghe-I sebesar 2 Petabytes dengan total memori sebesar 262Terabytes.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
Tianhe 1A-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
5. Jaguar
Jaguar merupakan super komputer yang di bangun di perusahaan pembuat super computer di laboratorium Oak Ridge di Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Amerika Serikat oleh Cray. Kecepatan dari jaguar adalah 1,75petaflops/s. Jaguar pernah menjadi super komputer tercepat di dunia pada Nopember 2009 hingga Juni 2010.
Jaguar bersistem operasi Cray Linux Environment dengan prosesor x86-based AMD Opteron yang berjumlah 224.256 unit dan memori sebesar 8 GB. Sedangkan besaran keseluruhan memori yang digunakan mencapai 360 TB. Sedangkan besaran penyimpanannya mencapai 10 petabytes.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
jaguar-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
6. IBM Roadrunner
Di kembangkan oleh IBM di laboratorium Nasional Los Alamos, Meksiko baru, Amerika serikat denga biaya 133 juta Dollar Amerika. Kecepatan tertinggi komputer super ini 1,456 petaflops yang terjadi pada November 2008.
Salah satu yang membuatnya unik, IBM Roadrunner memiliki rancangan prosesor hybrid dengan melibatkan 2 prosesor, yaitu IBM PowerXCell 8i sebanyak 12.960 unit dan AMD Opteron dual-core sebanyak 6.480 unit. Super komputer ini memiliki sistem operasi Red Hat Entreprise Linux.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
ibm-roadrunner-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini

7. Blue Gene
Merupakan proyek arsitektur memproduksi beberapa super komputer. Blue Gene hanya dapat melaju 500teraflops.
Super komputer ini dikembangkan bersama-sama oleh IBM, Laboratorium Nasional Lawrence Livermore, Departemen Energi Amerika Serikat, dan akademia. Superkomputer ini memiliki 4 pengembangan proyek, yaitu Blue Gene/L yang dikembangkan oleh Laboratorium Nasional Lawrence Livermore; Blue Gene/C yang merupakan adik proyek Blue Gene/L; Blue Gene/P yang dikembangkan oleh IBM, Laboratorium Nasional Lawrence Livermore, dan Laboratorium Nasional Argonne, dan Blue Gene/Q.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
8. Super MUC
Super MUC dapat mencapai kecepatan 3 petaflops, super computer ini disebut- sebut sebagai komputer tercepat di Eropa. Super MUC merupakan produksi asal Jerman yang di kembangkan Leibniz-Rechentrum di kota Munich.
Sistem SuperMuc akan menggunakan 18.432 prosesor Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge-EP dan berjalan di server IBM System x iDataPlex. Komputer super ini juga memakai teknologi cooling terbaru di IBM bernama Aquasar yang menggunakan air panas untuk mendinginkan prosesor.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
Super MUC-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
Mira merupakan salah satu produk dari perusahaan raksaksa IBM. Ini merupakan versi dari super komputer Blue Gene. Super computer ini memiliki kecepatan lebih cepat dari merek-merek sebelumnya.
Komputer super ini diletakkan di National Labroratory di Illinois, Amerika Serikat untuk melakukan bermacam fungsi. Kecepatannya bisa mencapai sekitar 8 petaflop perdetiknya.
10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
Mira-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat ini
10. Dawning Nebulai
Merupakan super computer yang di kembangkan di china dan di gunakan National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen (NSCS)
Dawning TC3600 Blade System, Xeon X5650 6C 2.66GHz, Infiniband QDR, NVIDIA 2050. pembuatan super komputer ini pada tahun 2010 Jumlah Core 120640 OS yang di gunakan Linux, jumlah daya sebesar 2,6 juta watt.
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Dawning-Nebule-10 teknologi komputer tercanggih di dunia saat 
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